Webinar: The Role of the EU in Coordinating Responses to Global Health Crises

This webinar explores what role the European Union has played so far in coordinating national responses to the COVID-19 outbreak and will examine where efforts might have been disconnected or insufficient.

Members event, Webinar Recording
5 June 2020 — 1:00PM TO 2:00PM

According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) figures, Europe has been faced with over 1.8 million confirmed cases and over 160,000 deaths as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. As each member state experiences its own epidemic, approaches to dealing with the virus, as well as restrictions on the economy and population, have varied between countries.

With this mixture of responses and priorities, there have been calls for EU institutions to take a greater role in coordinating the response measures across the continent.

  • What do the member states expect from the EU during times of global health emergencies?
  • Where might EU institutions be limited in their abilities to fulfil these expectations?
  • How can the EU strengthen its attempts to pursue a common response to the pandemic?
  • And what kind of leadership role might the EU be looking to take in the global response to health crises?

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