Director’s briefing: A blueprint for the UK’s future international role

Is British diplomacy ready to secure the country’s ambitions?

Partner and major corporate event Invitation only
11 February 2021 — 1:00PM TO 2:00PM

For its supporters, the 2016 Brexit referendum provided the UK with an opportunity to reinvent itself on the world stage and pursue a ‘Global Britain’. Four years of intense national debate and negotiations with the EU later, the nation finally embarks on its solo journey. While the UK possesses a number of assets to support a global repositioning, it must also contend with the impacts of the global health crisis, a splintered geopolitical landscape and fluctuating relationships with its traditional allies in Brussels and Washington.

Against this backdrop, Dr Robin Niblett CMG sets out a blueprint for the UK’s future international role, proposing that the country has the chance to remain internationally influential if it focuses on serving as the broker of solutions to global challenges. What areas of collaboration offer the UK the best points of connection between its interests, resources and credibility? How should Westminster navigate regional tensions over vaccines manifesting recently with the European Commission’s initial threat to override the Northern Ireland protocol? What can be expected of the future of the ‘special relationship’ judging from US President Joe Biden’s first few weeks in office? And is British diplomacy ready to secure the country’s ambitions?

This event is only open to Chatham House Partners and Major Corporate Members as well as selected giving circles of Chatham House. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Linda Bedford at [email protected].