Chatham House and E3G are organising a stocktaking meeting on where things stand ahead of COP26. The audience is diplomats and other government officials, most of which are based in the UK. More specifically, we hope to have a frank and honest discussion around the following questions:
• What progress has been made on critical COP26-related issues, like nationally determined contributions and climate finance? Are we in a ‘good place’ ahead of the Glasgow summit?
• How is the final Glasgow Package of climate outcomes shaping up? What are the main risks and how might they be addressed?’
• What role can diplomats and other stakeholders play in accelerating action ahead of and coming out of COP26?
The event is open to diplomats and other government officials. To attend (in person or virtually), please email Anna Aberg on [email protected].
Chair: Antony Froggatt, Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Environment and Society Programme at Chatham House
Camilla Born, Deputy Director for Strategy for COP26, UK Government
Nick Mabey, Chief Executive and Founder Director, E3G
Professor Saleemul Huq, Director, the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)