Reinventing the Building

Participants assess different innovative options to explore how best to speed up and scale up their uptake.

Research event Recording
25 July 2018 — 5:30PM TO 7:15PM
Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE London

The global construction sector is experiencing a range of disruptive shifts – in materials, technologies and business models – changing not only how we build but also how we will live. The environmental implications of these changes are set to be profound – the 4 billion tonnes of cement produced every year alone account for 8 per cent of global CO2 emissions. And with as many as 3 billion people potentially living in slums by 2050, new building solutions are urgently needed in developing and emerging economies.

Will these emerging technologies reinvent buildings to the degree needed and what might the future of construction look like?

This event will bring together architects, designers, innovators, business and media leaders, policymakers and campaigners to discuss the range of cutting-edge technologies that could shape the future of the construction sector.

Reinventing the Building is the second event in the ‘Reinventing’ series hosted by the Hoffmann Centre at Chatham House. The series explores new designs, technologies, products and practical solutions that could better meet future social and environmental needs.

This event will be followed by a drinks reception and an exhibition, which will explore how architectural models can help reimagine how we build to meet future social and environmental needs.


Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Executive Officer, UK Green Building Council
Alan Knight, General Manager – Corporate Sustainability, ArcelorMittal
Ginger Krieg Dosier, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, bioMASON
Alex Sparrow, Director, UK Hempcrete
Anthony Thistleton, Founder & Director, Waugh Thistleton Architects Ltd
Chair: Bernice Lee, Executive Director, Hoffmann Centre for Sustainable Resource Economy, Chatham House

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