Middle East: Dangerous Instability

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has escalated to unprecedented proportions, leaving a trail of death and destruction, and fueling wider tensions. The fighting may become just one front of a much broader regional conflagration. This at a time when regime stability in the area is in question, Iranian and Iraqi interference is gearing up and Washington is pushing hard for its plan to topple Saddam Hussein.

The World Today Updated 23 October 2020 Published 1 May 2002 3 minute READ

Emanuele Ottolenghi

Junior Research Fellow, Israel Studies, Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, Oxford

Israel’s April offensive in the west bank, its ensuing international isolation and renewed attempts by the US administration to mediate, underscored the difficulty of returning to meaningful political negotiations. Containment might be the best strategy for Washington until its offensive to topple the regime in Iraq is ready.

Israel’s attack produced massive demonstrations throughout the Arab world. This prompted Egypt to take symbolic action, downgrading diplomatic ties with Israel, and other Arab states to voice concern to the White House about their stability.

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