Q&A with Aniket Shah

A young high-flyer on how to correct the older generation’s failings

The World Today Updated 27 November 2020 3 minute READ

Alan Philps

Former Editor, The World Today, Communications and Publishing

Tell us a little bit about yourself

After graduating from Yale, I started working at Goldman Sachs in June 2009. There were incredibly smart people there: very focused on making money, but perhaps not focused enough on how finance can solve major global problems. So I left Goldman to work with Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the economist at Columbia University. He is a genius and works harder than anyone I know on issues of development and sustainability. I worked with him for a couple of years until I was invited to work in asset management to see what the private side of working in emerging markets is all about. So I moved to London. For 18 months I’ve been seconded to the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

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