Undercurrents: How Can Political Elites Reconnect With Voters?

A special recording focusing on how elites can re-engage with their publics, featuring a panel of experts from six different countries.

Audio Updated 5 October 2020 57 minute listen

Agnes Frimston

Deputy Editor, The World Today

Undercurrents hosted a breakfast roundtable as part of the 2018 London Conference, with a panel joining Ben and Agnes to share their views on questions including:

  • Is political participation in decline?
  • Are traditional forms of politics outdated?
  • What impact has the digital revolution had on the political sphere?
  • How can politicians reconnect with their voters?

The Chatham House London Conference is an annual event bringing together policy-makers, academics and business figures from around the world to London to discuss key global issues.

Listen to all episodes on the Chatham House site

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