25 years since the Dayton Accords

Where have democratic gains been made and where have they been backsliding?

Members event, Panel
3 March 2021 — 12:00PM TO 1:00PM

December 2020 marked 25 years since the Dayton Accords brought fighting in the Balkans to an end. The accords sought to promote peace and stability in a region that had suffered nearly four years of war and cost more than 100,000 lives. But what has been gained, and lost, in efforts to keep the peace?

This webinar examines questions about the role of international influence in ‘cold conflicts’ through the lens of the Balkans:

  • What are the consequences of US withdrawal from the region and how are Russia and China exerting their influence?

  • What have peacebuilding efforts looked like on the ground?

  • Where have democratic gains been made and where have they been backsliding?

  • And how will the Biden administration interact with the region going forwards?

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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