The era of ‘reglobalization’

How to balance international trade with efforts to enhance domestic economic resilience?

Members event, Panel Recording
15 June 2023 — 6:00PM TO 7:00PM
Chatham House and Online

The era of ‘reglobalization’

— How to balance international trade with efforts to enhance domestic economic resilience?

The global trade outlook remains challenging in 2023. Geopolitical tensions and national security concerns are playing a greater role in trade policy with a focus on strengthening supply chain resilience and reducing economic dependencies. In addition, the turn towards industrial policies has raised concerns about unfair trade practices and protectionism.

The debate about the future of globalization has only therefore deepened. While ‘deglobalization’ dominates the current public discourse on trade, is ‘reglobalization’ a better term to describe patterns of economic integration and fracturing across different economies and sectors?

The panel of experts discuss:

  • To what extent are efforts to meet climate goals and maintain technological leadership intertwined with industrial policy and national security objectives?

  • What do recent measures by the US – including the Inflation Reduction Act and a push on semiconductors – mean for cooperation with like-minded partners such as the EU?

  • Are any countries resisting the protectionist trend and continuing to champion open trade?

  • What steps can be taken to strengthen strategic and sensitive supply chains, for example, for critical minerals, high-capacity batteries and semiconductors?

  • Is it possible to develop and advance a positive trade agenda for a reglobalized world? If so, what would it look like?

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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