John Kerry on the urgency of global climate action

Ahead of the G20 Environment, Climate and Energy Ministerial Meeting, the US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate delivers a major policy speech for a special event at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, London.

Members event, Panel Recording
20 July 2021 — 3:00PM TO 4:00PM

John Kerry on the urgency of global climate action

— Ahead of the G20 Environment, Climate and Energy Ministerial Meeting, the US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate delivers a major policy speech for a special event at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, London.

John Kerry travels to the UK from 20-21 July before travelling to to Rome and Naples in Italy to attend the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Environment, Climate Change and Energy.

At this event at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, he is delivering remarks on the urgency of global climate action. Kerry then returns to London from July 24-26 to further discuss with counterparts the efforts leading up to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) scheduled for October 31-November 12 in Glasgow, UK.

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