Webinar: 2020 US Elections – Tackling the Climate Crisis

This webinar examines whether the climate crisis will play a significant role in the upcoming American presidential elections.

Members event, Webinar Recording
7 October 2020 — 4:00PM TO 4:45PM

2020 US Elections – Tackling the Climate Crisis

— This webinar examines whether the climate crisis will play a significant role in the upcoming American presidential elections.

In November 2019, President Trump formally started the process to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

This retreat from global efforts to addressing the climate crisis stands in stark contrast to a growing concern among the American electorate. Recent protests, polls and extreme domestic weather events have contributed to tangible anxieties surrounding climate change with voters increasingly aware of its immediate, and personal, implications.

  • How divided is the American electorate along party lines when it comes to the climate?

  • Are there generational similarities between Democratic and Republican voters?

  • What are the priorities of both parties in their current environmental policy proposals?

  • And what would a Biden or Trump presidency mean for America’s wider role in global climate governance and negotiations?

Held in collaboration with Chatham House’s US and the Americas Programme, this webinar is part of a series of events looking at key issues facing voters in the 2020 US elections.

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