Webinar: Climate Change and Threats to Security

This webinar highlights some geographical regions in which climate change is posing a security threat and will explore what is being done to alleviate these risks.

Members event, Webinar Recording
21 May 2020 — 1:00PM TO 2:00PM

In recent years, climate change has become an increasing security threat given its potential to exacerbate existing social, economic and political tensions. As a ‘threat multiplier’, it risks adding to these tensions by placing strain on basic resources which in turn make a region more vulnerable to conflict and unrest. Climate stress will continue to cause a rise in temperatures, water scarcity and rising sea levels across the globe – all contributing to increased competition for resources and forced migration.

  • What are some of the security implications of climate change and how do they differ in different parts of the world?

  • In which regions will both long-term and short-term climate trends pose the greatest risk?

  • And how can countries and regions increase resilience against the effects of climate change?

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