Webinar: The United Nations at 75: Reform and Resilience

Conflict, poverty and inequality have exacerbated the impacts of the pandemic, provoking states to prioritize their own interests and resources as they tackle the social and economic fallout.

Members event, Webinar
16 September 2020 — 5:00PM TO 6:00PM

Founded in 1945, the United Nations (UN) now approaches its 75th anniversary during a time of global uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the difficulty of building consensus between states on challenges which require international coordination and cooperation.

This webinar explores the current challenges facing the UN and discusses whether this is a moment to ‘turn a crisis into an opportunity’ as many hope.

  • How do great power rivalries impact decision-making within the UN?

  • How has the pandemic shifted the calculus on delivering on the UN’s sustainable development goals?

  • And what does the UN need to do in order to ensure relevance and credibility for the next 75 years?

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