The active participation of African states and actors in multilateral institutions has been complemented by the development of bilateral relationships that have strengthened their ability to pursue their objectives and interests at a global level.
The continent’s representatives have articulated alternative narratives on important global issues including international trade and institutions and challenges such as climate change and global inequality.
This conference examines the role that African states and citizens play in international relations to develop deeper understanding of the continent’s role in global decision-making and outcomes.
As the continent’s political and socioeconomic landscape continues to shift and diverge, this conference will enable participants to look ahead at the priorities and roles of African actors in global affairs to come.
Please note the videos on this page are of sections of the overall conference. This conference is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
Read transcript of closing remarks
Speakers include:
HE Jakaya Kikwete, President of the Republic of Tanzania (2005-15)
HE Professor Victor Harison, Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union Commission
Hannah Tetteh, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General to the African Union, and Head of the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU)
HE Professor Robert Dussey, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Togolese Republic
Treasure Thembisile Maphanga, Director, Trade and Industry, African Union Commission [2012-2019]
Lawrence Dechambenoit, Vice President Corporate Relations, Africa, Rio Tinto
Philip Thigo, Lead, Data and Innovation, Office of the Deputy President of Kenya
Giza Gaspar-Martins, Former Lead Negotiator for Least Developed Countries, COP21 Climate Talks
João Bosco Monte, President, Brazil Africa Institute
Dr Djimé Adoum, Executive Secretary, Comité Permanent Inter-État de Lutte Contre la Sécheresse au Sahel (CILSS)
Dr Aderemi Ajibewa, Director of Political Affairs, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Secretariat
Waihiga Mwaura, News Anchor, Citizen TV Kenya
Michelle Ndiaye, Director, Africa Peace and Security Programme, Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS); and Head of Secretariat, Tana Forum
Dr Alex Vines OBE, Director, Risk, Ethics, Resilience; Head, Africa Programme, Chatham House
Gabriel Negatu, Director General, Eastern Africa, African Development Bank
Dr Christopher Fomunyoh, Senior Associate for Africa, National Democratic Institute
Bob Dewar CMG, Associate Fellow, Africa Programme, Chatham House
Dr Leena Koni Hoffmann, Associate Fellow, Africa Programme, Chatham House
Markus Lux, Senior Vice President, Robert Bosch Stiftung
Elizabeth Donnelly, Deputy Head & Research Fellow, Africa Programme, Chatham House