Children's Participation: Listen up!

In September, two hundred young people will come from all corners of the globe to New York to take part in the UN Special Session on Children. The Session will focus on issues that affect young people such as health, education, nutrition, protection from all forms of abuse and participation. There shall be a lot of talking – the young people’s role is to give it meaning and to keep it real. Young people will have the opportunity to speak to world leaders and government delegates who hold the power and put their points directly across.

The World Today Updated 26 October 2020 2 minute READ

Lisa Skinner

Aged 17, reporter at Children's Express, Belfast

You may ask why we are bothering to get involved but let’s face it, poverty, unemployment, drugs, sex, bullying and racism are all ordeals young people face today.

We should be part of the way forward to resolving these issues – our voices need to be heard! As a young person, being listened to properly and taken seriously is important to me.

When you are young, you sometimes think that your opinion doesn’t count for much but it really does. I have the opportunity to experience what it really means to participate and make a difference to the lives of children and young people today.

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