The UN Millennium Development Goals: Goal Driven

The United Nations’ sixtieth anniversary celebrations will centre on reform and a major review of progress towards the targets set in the Millennium Declaration, adopted by world leaders in 2000. Questions such as whether Japan, Brazil or India will become permanent members of the Security Council are likely to make the headlines, but the fight against poverty is also claiming a place at the top of the international negotiating table. Initiatives such as the International Finance Facility proposed by British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, in support of the Millennium Development Goals have helped provide political momentum.

The World Today Updated 15 October 2020 4 minute READ

Joy Hyvarinen

The millennium declaration set out a long list of aims in areas such as peace and security, development and poverty eradication, environmental protection and human rights. The Millennium Development Goals flowing from it consist of eight overarching aims such as ‘Eradicate extreme poverty’ and ‘Reduce child mortality’, coupled with targets such as reducing by half the proportion of people suffering from hunger, or reducing by two-thirds the mortality rate among children under five.

The MDGs, as they are widely known, were to form a focus for international development cooperation, in the hope they would generate renewed momentum towards meeting many previous commitments.

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