Emily Lydgate

Associate Fellow, Global Economy and Finance Programme

Headshot of Emily Lydgate


Emily Lydgate is a professor in environmental law at the University of Sussex, co-director of the UK Trade Policy Observatory and deputy director of the Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy. 

From 2021–24 she was a trade specialist advisor to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (UK House of Commons). She was also an instructor for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s Advanced Diplomatic Academy.

She holds a PhD from King’s College London and an MSc (with distinction) from Oxford University. She has consulted at the United Nations Environment Programme’s Economics and Trade Branch, and undertaken research for the UK Climate Change Committee, the EU Horizon 2020 programme, UK Research and Innovation and others on trade, sustainability, and the low carbon transition.

Past experience

2014-presentUniversity of Sussex, Professor of Law (most recent title)
2020-presentCo-Director, UK Trade Policy Observatory (most recent title)
2022-presentDeputy Director, Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy (most recent title)
2021-2024Specialist Advisor, House of Commons (Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)