India at 75: The Indian illusion

In this milestone year, experts discuss India’s domestic trajectory politically and economically, as well as its international outlook.

Members event, Panel Recording
7 June 2022 — 12:00PM TO 1:00PM

India 75 video

— Experts discuss key issues involving India's past, present and future.

Since 1947, India’s economy has grown dramatically while maintaining a vibrant democratic culture. Its foreign policy has evolved from being a bastion of the non-aligned movement to a country courted by East and West alike. And yet challenges remain.

The country has been unable to replicate Chinese rates of economic growth and it was hard hit by COVID-19. Poverty remains a challenge, along with a long-standing failure to create sufficient employment. Politically, its democratic traditions are threatened by growing polarization and authoritarianism. In foreign affairs, its international role is hindered by strained relationships with two of its neighbours, Pakistan and China.

Experts discuss where India is now, how it got here and where it is heading, discussing key questions including:

  • How can it stem the trend of slowing economic growth? How can it start to create employment to reap its demographic dividend?

  • Can it maintain its reputation as a vibrant democracy or is it headed towards a more authoritarian majoritarianism?

  • Will India remain able to balance its relationships in an increasingly divided international environment? What global role does India envisage itself playing in the future?

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