Interview: Alexander Nanau

The Oscar-nominated documentary maker, Alexander Nanau, tells Roxana Raileanu how Romania’s healthcare system is the last stronghold of the country’s Communist past

The World Today Updated 12 July 2021 3 minute READ

Roxana Raileanu

Former Interim Head of Marketing and Development, The World Today, Communications and Publishing

Alexander Nanau

Filmmaker and director of Collective

In October 2015, an indoor pyrotechnics display at a Bucharest nightclub, Colectiv, burned horribly out of control, killing 27 people. In the four months that followed, scores more burns victims died of preventable infections in Romanian hospitals.

The documentary, Collective, follows the investigations of the journalist, Catalin Tolontan, who uncovered a deep seam of corruption running through the country’s healthcare system. His reporting uncovered a widespread fraud involving diluted hospital disinfectants that allowed superbugs to infect burns patients and kill them. The ensuing public uproar forced the Romanian government to resign. 

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