International Law Programme

We conduct research, convene discussions and produce publications on governance issues through the lens of international law.

Our International Law Programme conducts independent research and analysis to promote and uphold international law, preserve international peace and security, and protect the dignity and rights of individuals. 

As the one of the only dedicated international law departments in a foreign policy think tank, our work has far-reaching impact and is critically important at a time of global political instability and threats to the rule of law. 

Research focus

Our policy-sensitive research focuses on three pillars:

  • International law and human rights
  • International law and emerging technologies
  • Armed conflict and protection of civilians

Our approach

We provide expert international law analysis and practical ideas for action in times of crisis. To achieve this, we take a multistakeholder approach to our research and convening activities. We prioritize inclusive and accessible research, promoting diversity of thought, including women’s and Global South leadership. We take a whole-life cycle approach to embedding DEI into our research – from recruitment and concept design to data gathering and dissemination, and all the steps in between.


  • Producing independent, practical and influential research for policymakers, civil society, industry and other key actors;
  • Creating networks to drive collaboration and engagement on international law strategies addressing critical issues;
  • Influencing policy and legislative change.

Explore our projects to learn more.

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